How Many Food Should I Eat to Lose Weight ?
Tips to help you Lose Weight.
As a registered dietitian, I don’t believe that losing weight fast is the healthiest approach.
Your basal metabolic rate — aka how much energy you use — is determined by the number of calories you burn during digestion. A calorie from a simple-to-digest source, like the simple sugars in soda, fruit juices, flour dishes or fast food, can be converted into energy easily so your body doesn’t have to work as hard. But a calorie that comes from a lean protein or resistant starch, like the fiber in beans and lentils, is harder for the body to break down. This means more energy will be burnt up during the digestion of these foods, increasing the total amount of calories you burn during the day.
Think about it this way: If you eat a 2000-calorie diet that’s rich in simple sugars your body will need to burn about 70 -80 calories during digestion. But if those same 2000 calories come from fiber and protein-rich foods, then you’ll burn closer to 200-300 calories while you digest. That difference in calorie expenditure can have a big impact on body weight over time.
Nutrition isn’t the only part of the weight loss — making time for fitness matters, too. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends adults move their bodies at a moderate intensity for 150 to 300 minutes, or 2.5 to 5 hours, a week to help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. And while that’s a solid jumping off point, if you want to lose weight then you still need to move enough so that you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming.

The only way to remove fat.
Do you know that there is only one way to remove fat? It can only be burned in muscles with physical activity. No other way.
All people who rub something themselves, soar themselves in baths, drink a diuretic, laxative or simply starve – are doomed to failure.
90% of all our fat burns in the muscles in the presence of oxygen. This must be understood. In order not to build illusions about the next superdiet.
We need to move to lose weight – is it obvious? For many, no.
I agree, “walking” does not sound serious.
But walking is an important component of losing weight. Walking and a balanced diet work wonders.

If you haven’t heard this acronym before, memorize it now. Any goal you set should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely, says Eliza Kingsford, psychotherapist and director of clinical services for Wellspring. If it meets these qualities, you’ll be much more likely to achieve it.
For instance, “I’m going to be more active” is a goal. “I will walk for 30 minutes every day for the next month” is a S.M.A.R.T. goal.
It’s specific in that you know how much activity you’re going to do. It’s measurable — did you walk today or not?
It’s attainable and realistic; everyone can find 30 minutes in their day, and walking doesn’t require a lot of equipment or special training. And it’s timely because you’ll be able to see at the end of the month if you hit your goal.
A balanced diet is not a fad, yo-yo or crash diet. It’s a way of ensuring you eat all of the required nutrients for your body to function properly. A balanced diet will not be the same for everyone. We’re all different and often, individuals will require different amounts and types of nutrients. What you need will depend on age, gender, lifestyle, health and the rate at which your body works.
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